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Preliminary exam date for the UPSC Engineering Services exam in 2024 has been announced.

Preliminary exam date for the UPSC Engineering Services exam in 2024 has been announced.

Name of the Post: UPSC Engineering Services Exam 2024 Preliminary Exam Date Announced

Post Date: 06-09-2023
Latest Update: 25-01-2024
Total Posts: 167

Brief Information: The Engineering Services Examination 2024 announcement for the Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, and Telecommunication Engineering categories has been released by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). Candidates can read the notification and apply online if they are interested in the job specifics and meet the eligibility requirements.

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)
Advt No.01/2024-ENGG
Engineering Services (Prelims) Exam 2024

Application Cost

For Female, SC, ST, and Disabled: 0
For All Others: INR 200
Method of Payment: State Bank of India or any Visa, Master, RuPay, or credit/debit card

Very important Dates
Online applications will open on June 9, 2023.
Application deadline online: September 26, 2023, at 6:00 p.m.
Date of Edit Window Option: September 27, 2023 – October 3, 2023
Date of Initial Examination: February 18, 2024 Maximum Age (as of January 1, 2024)

Age Requirement: 21 Years
30 years old is the maximum age.
The candidate’s birthdate must have been between January 2, 1994, and January 1, 2003.

Applicants should hold an M.Sc. or Master’s degree in a relevant discipline, or a diploma or degree in engineering.

Vacancy Details
Post Name Total
Engineering Services Prelims Exam 2024 167

UPSC Engineering Services Examination (ESE)  Exam Pattern

UPSC ESE Exam Pattern: The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) administers the Engineering Services Examination, which is divided into two sections: a written test and a personality test. The Engineering Services Examination’s format is provided below.

Pattern of the UPSC ESE Exam: Engineering Services There are two stages to the examination:
1. Written Test
2. Assessment of Personality

I. Written Exam: The written exam will be divided into three sections.

(i) The objective type papers for the Stage-I: Engineering Services (Preliminary/Stage-I) Examination are used to select candidates for the
Stage-II: Engineering Services (Mains/Stage-II) Examination.
Phase II: Engineering Services (Main/Stage II) Assessment (Traditional Form Papers).
Phase III: Personality Assessment

2. There will be two objective type (multiple choice) question papers in the Engineering Services (Preliminary/Stage-I) Examination, each worth up to 500 marks (Paper I: 200 marks, Paper II: 300 marks). Candidates for admission to the Mains/Stage-II Examination of that year will only be those who the Commission declares qualified in the Preliminary/Stage-I Examination of that year, providing they are otherwise eligible for admission to the Mains/Stage-II Examination. The ultimate order of merit for applicants who are pronounced qualified for admission to the Mains/Stage-II Examination will be based on the marks they received in the preliminary/stage-I examination. About six to seven times as many candidates as there are approximate openings to be filled through this test each year will be admitted to the Mains/Stage-II Exam.

Note I: Based on the minimum qualifying marks in General Studies, the Engineering Aptitude Paper (Paper I), and the Engineering Discipline specific Paper (Paper II) of the Preliminary/Stage I Examination, the Commission will compile a list of candidates to be qualified for the Engineering Services (Mains/Stage II) Examination.

Note II: Candidates who mark incorrect answers on objective-type question papers will be subject to a penalty known as negative marking.
(i) There are four possible responses to each question. One-third (0.33) of the points allotted to each question for which the candidate provided an incorrect response will be subtracted as a penalty.
(ii) If a candidate provides more than one response, it will be deemed incorrect even if one of the responses is accurate, and they will be subject to the same penalty as stated above for that particular question.
(iii) There won’t be any consequences for a question that is left blank, meaning the candidate doesn’t provide an answer.
3.1 Main/stage-II Engineering Services The exam will consist of two three-hour traditional-style papers in the engineering discipline with a maximum score of 600 (300 marks for each test).
3.2 The 200-mark personality test will comprise Stage III.
4.1 Candidates will be called for Stage-III (Personality Test) if they receive the minimum qualifying marks in the Stage-I: Engineering Services (Preliminary/Stage-I) and Stage-II: Engineering Services (Mains/Stage-II) Examinations, as determined by the Commission in its discretion. About twice as many people as there are openings to be filled will be called in for personality tests. There is no minimum qualifying mark required; the Personality Test will carry 200 marks.
4.2 The applicants’ ultimate ranking would be determined by the marks they received in Stage I (preliminary/stage I) examination, Stage II (mains/stage II) examination, and Stage III (personality test). Candidates will be assigned to different services based on their exam scores and the services/posts they have indicated they are interested in.
5. Candidates are urged to carefully read the special instructions provided in Appendix-III (Parts A and B) for both conventional and objective type tests. This includes the process for submitting the objective type test answer sheet in the examination hall, which was posted on the Commission’s website ( on April 7, 2021.
6. The candidate’s ability to lead, take initiative, exhibit intellectual curiosity, be tactful and possess other social skills, have both physical and mental energy, be able to use their knowledge practically, and have integrity of character will all be evaluated specifically during the personality test.
7. Responses to traditional papers must be written in English. The question paper will only be available in English.
Section III contains specifics about the curricula for Stage I (preliminary/stage I) and Stage II (mains/stage II).

A. Stage-I (Preliminary/ Stage-I) Examination:

Subject   Duration Maximum Marks
Category-I Civil Engineering
Paper-I (General Studies and Engineering Aptitude) 2 hrs 200
Paper-II (Civil Engineering) 3 hrs 300
Total 500
Subject   Duration Maximum Marks
Category-II Mechanical Engineering
Paper-I (General Studies and Engineering Aptitude) 2 hrs 200
Paper-II (Mechanical Engineering) 3 hrs 300
Total 500
Subject   Duration Maximum Marks
Category-III Electrical Engineering 
Paper-I (General Studies and Engineering Aptitude) 2 hrs 200
Paper-II (Electrical Engineering) 3 hrs 300
Total 500
Subject   Duration Maximum Marks
Category-IV Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Paper-I (General Studies and Engineering Aptitude) 2 hrs 200
Paper-II ( Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) 3 hrs 300
Total 500

 B. Stage-II(Mains/Stage-II) Examination:- 

Subject   Duration Maximum Marks
Category-I Civil Engineering
Paper-I (Civil Engineering) 3 hrs 300
Paper-II (Civil Engineering) 3 hrs 300
Total 600
Subject   Duration Maximum Marks
Category-II Mechanical Engineering
Paper-I (Mechanical Engineering) 3 hrs 300
Paper-II (Mechanical Engineering) 3 hrs 300
Total 600
Subject   Duration Maximum Marks
Category-III Electrical Engineering
Paper-I (Electrical Engineering) 3 hrs 300
Paper-II (Electrical Engineering) 3 hrs 300
Total 600
Subject   Duration Maximum Marks
Category-IV Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Paper-I (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) 3 hrs 300
Paper-II (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) 3 hrs 300
Total 600

(C) 200 marks for the Stage III Personality Test.
It should be noted that candidates must write on the sheets by hand. They will not be permitted to have a scribe write the answers for them under any circumstances. Nevertheless, applicants who are blind or who have cerebral palsy or locomotor disability and whose dominant (writing) extremity is impaired to the point that it slows down function (minimum of 40% impairment) may take the Engineering Services Examination with the assistance of a scribe.

1. Candidates who are blind or have cerebral palsy or locomotor disabilities whose dominant (writing) extremity is impaired to the point where it hinders their ability to perform their duties (minimum of 40% impairment) may also be eligible for a compensatory period of twenty minutes per hour during the Engineering Services Examination.
2. The Commission may set minimum passing scores for any or all of the exam’s papers in its discretion.
3. Points won’t be awarded for merely passing knowledge.
4. Illegible handwriting will result in a deduction of up to 5% of the maximum marks for written papers.
5. In the traditional examination papers, points will be awarded for precise, well-organized, and economical use of language.
6. When needed, SI units will be utilized in the question papers. Note: When deemed essential, candidates will be given standard tables and charts in SI units in the examination hall for reference.
7. For traditional (essay) style papers only, candidates may carry and use battery-operated pocket calculators. Calculators may not be borrowed or switched around in the examination room. It is noteworthy that candidates are prohibited from using calculators when answering objective-style questions on test booklets. For this reason, they shouldn’t bring it inside the exam room.
8. When responding to question papers, candidates should only utilize the international version of Indian numbers, such as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.


UPSC ESE Selection Process Details

Details of the UPSC ESE Selection Process: Candidates must ensure that they meet all eligibility requirements in order to be admitted to the Engineering Services Examination. The Engineering Services Examination selection procedure is listed below.

UPSC ESE Procedure for Selection:

Three phases will comprise the selection process: (i) preliminary test; (ii) mains test; and (iii) personality test.
I. Written Examination: There will be two objective type (multiple choice) question papers in the Engineering Services (Preliminary/Stage-I) Examination, each worth up to 500 points (Paper I: 200 marks, Paper II: 300 marks). The only applicants who can be admitted to the Main/Stage-II Examination of that year are those who the Commission declares qualified for the Preliminary/Stage-I Exam, providing they are otherwise eligible for admission to the Main/Stage-II Examination. The ultimate order of merit for applicants who are pronounced qualified for admission to the Main/Stage-II Examination will be based on the marks they received in the preliminary/stage-I examination. About six to seven times as many candidates as there are approximate positions that need to be filled this year will be admitted to the Main/Stage-II Examination.

Note I: Based on the minimum qualifying marks in General Studies, Engineering Aptitude Paper (Paper I), and Engineering Discipline specific Paper (Paper II) of the Preliminary/Stage I Examination, the Commission will compile a list of candidates to be qualified for Engineering Services (Main/Stage II) Examination.

Note II: Candidates who mark incorrect responses on the objective-style question paper will be subject to a penalty (Negative Marking).

(i) There are four possible responses to each question. One-third (1/3) of the marks allotted to each question for which the candidate provided an incorrect response will be subtracted as a penalty.

(ii) If a candidate provides more than one response, it will be deemed incorrect even if one of the responses is accurate, and they will be subject to the same penalty as stated above for that particular question.

(iii) There won’t be any consequences for a question that is left blank, meaning the candidate doesn’t provide an answer.

3. Candidates should be aware that the Commission will deduct points from any total marks they would otherwise receive or will not evaluate the aforementioned script(s) if any irrelevant material, signs, marks, etc. are found written in the answer script(s), which would not be related to any question or answer and/or would be having the potential to disclose the candidate’s identity.

4.1 The Services of Engineering (Primary/second stage) The exam will consist of two three-hour traditional-style papers in the engineering discipline with a maximum score of 600 (300 marks for each test).

4.2 The 200-point personality test will make up Stage III.

5.1 Candidates will be called for Stage-III (Personality Test) by the Commission if they receive the minimum qualifying marks in the Stage-I: Engineering Services (Preliminary/Stage-I) and Stage-II: Engineering Services (Main/Stage-II) Examination, as determined at its discretion. About twice as many people as there are openings to be filled will be called in for personality tests. There is no minimum qualifying mark required; the Personality Test will carry 200 marks.

5.2 The applicants’ ultimate ranking would be based on the marks they received in Stage I (preliminary/stage I), Stage II (main/stage II) examination, and Stage III (personality test). Based on their exam scores and the services/posts they have shown a preference for, candidates will be assigned to different services.

6. It is recommended that candidates carefully read the special instructions provided in Appendix-III (Parts A and B) for both conventional and objective type tests. This includes the process for submitting the objective type test Answer Sheet in the Examination Notice that is posted on the Commission’s website (

7. The candidate’s ability to lead, take initiative, exhibit intellectual curiosity, be tactful and possess other social skills, have both physical and mental energy, be able to use their knowledge practically, and have integrity of character will all be evaluated specifically in the personality test.

8. Responses to traditional papers must be written in English. The question paper will only be available in English.

Section III contains specifics on the curricula for Stage I (preliminary/stage I) and Stage II (main/stage II).

Section II

Phase II (preliminary/primary) Assessment:
There will be two papers in the exam.

Subject Duration Maximum Marks
Category-I Civil Engineering
Paper-I (General Studies and Engineering Aptitude) 2 hrs. 200
Paper-II (Civil Engineering) 3 hrs. 300
Total 500
Subject Duration Maximum Marks
Category-II Mechanical Engineering
Paper-I (General Studies and Engineering Aptitude) 2 hrs. 200
Paper-II (Mechanical Engineering) 3 hrs. 300
Total 500


Subject Duration Maximum Marks
Category-III Electrical Engineering
Paper-I (General Studies and Engineering Aptitude) 2 hrs. 200
Paper-II (Electrical Engineering) 3 hrs. 300
Total 500


Subject Duration Maximum Marks
Category-IV Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Paper-I (General Studies and Engineering Aptitude) 2 hrs. 200
Paper-II (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) 3 hrs. 300
Total 500

(iii) Details of the syllabi are indicated in Section III.

B. Stage-II(Main/Stage-II) Examination:-

The Examination shall comprise of two papers.

Subject Duration Maximum Marks
Category-I Civil Engineering
Paper-I ( Civil Engineering) 3 hrs. 300
Paper-II (Electrical Engineering) 3 hrs. 300
Total 600


Subject Duration Maximum Marks
Category-II Mechanical Engineering
Paper-I ( Mechanical Engineering ) 3 hrs. 300
Paper-II (Mechanical Engineering) 3 hrs. 300
Total 600


Subject Duration Maximum Marks
Category-III Electrical Engineering
Paper-I ( Electrical Engineering ) 3 hrs. 300
Paper-II (Electrical Engineering) 3 hrs. 300
Total 600


Subject Duration Maximum Marks
Category-IV Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Paper-I ( Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering ) 3 hrs. 300
Paper-II (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) 3 hrs. 300
Total 600

III. Personality Test: Candidates who meet the requirements based on the written exam are eligible to take the Stage III Personality Test, which has a maximum score of 200 marks.

Details of UPSC ESE Eligibility (Engineering Services Prelims Exam 2024)

UPSC ESE Eligibility Criteria:
Details about eligibility for the Union Public Service Commission’s (UPSC) Engineering Service Examination are provided below…

UPSC ESE Requirements:
I. Country of Origin: A candidate must be one of the following: i. an Indian citizen; ii. a subject of Nepal; iii. a subject of Bhutan; iv. a Tibetan refugee who arrived in India prior to January 1, 1962, with the intention of settling there permanently; or v. a person of Indian descent who has immigrated from East African countries such as Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, or Vietnam with the intention of settling permanently in India.
As long as the candidate falls under one of the aforementioned categories (b), (c), (d), or (e), and is the recipient of an eligibility certificate from the Indian government.
II. Age Requirement: As on January 1, 2024, candidates must be between the ages of 21 and 30. That is to say, the individual in question needs to have been born between January 1, 1994, and January 1, 2003.

Relaxation of Upper Age Limit: i. For candidates who are members of Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes, up to a maximum of five years.
ii. Three years, if the candidates are from other backward classes.
iii. Three years, in the case of Defence Services employees injured while conducting operations in a conflict-ridden region or during conflicts with any foreign nation, and freed as a result.
iv. Five years for ex-servicemen, which includes commissioning officers, ECOs, SSCOs, and other individuals who have completed at least five years of military service.
v. Five years in the case of ECOs and SSCOs who, as of January 1, 2024, have fulfilled the first assignment period of five years of military service.
vi. Ten years for people who are orthopedically disabled or deaf-mute.

III. Minimum Educational Requirements: Applicants must: i. Have a degree in engineering from an Indian university established by an Act of the Central or State Legislature; ii. Have passed Sections A and B of the Institution Examinations of the Institution of Engineers (India); iii. Have a degree or diploma in engineering from a foreign university, college, or institution under circumstances that the government may from time to time recognise as acceptable; iv. Have passed the Graduate Membership Examination of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (India); or v. have passed.
(IV) Physical Standards: In order to be admitted to the Engineering Services Examination 2024, candidates must meet certain physical fitness requirements.

UPSC ESE Syllabus Details

Details about UPSC ESE Syllabus: The following is the Union Public Service Commission’s (UPSC) Engineering Services Exam Syllabus.

1. Civil Engineering

2.Mechanical engineering is Category II.

3. Electrical engineering is Category III.

4. Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering is Category IV

Category I: Group-A Services/Posts in Civil Engineering

(i) Group-A (Civil Engineering Posts), Central Engineering Service (Roads); (ii) *AEE (Civil) in Border Roads Engineering Service
(iii) Engineers in the Indian Defence Service (iv) AEE (QS&C) in the MES Surveyor Cadre
(v) Indian Skill Development Service (vi) Central Water Engineering (Group “A”) Service

Mechanical Engineering (Group-A/B Services/Posts) is Category II.

(i) AEE in Grade “A” GSI Engineering Service
(ii) Indian Naval Armament Service (Mechanical Engineering Posts) (iii) Indian Defence Service of Engineers
(iv) Group “A” Central Water Engineering Service
(v) SSO-II (Mechanical) of the Defence Aeronautical Quality Assurance Service

Electrical Engineering (Group-A/B Services/Posts) is Category III.

(i) Central Power Engineering Service Gr. “A” (Electrical Engineering Posts); (ii) Indian Defence Service of Engineers
(iii) Posts for Electrical Engineers in the Indian Naval Armament Service
(iv) SSO-II (Electrical)/Defence Aeronautical Quality Assurance Service
(v) Electrical engineering posts in Central Power Engineering Service Grade “B”

Category IV: Group-A/B Services/Posts in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

(i) Grade “A” Indian Radio Regulatory Service
(ii) Grade “A” Indian Telecommunication Service
(iii) Posts for electronics and telecom engineers in the Indian Naval Armament Service
(iv) Posts related to electronics and telecom engineering in the Indian Naval Material Management Service
(v) SSO-II (Electronics & Tele)/Defence Aeronautical Quality Assurance Service
(vi) Grade “B” Junior Telecom Officer

* The government’s judgement in due time will determine a transgender person’s eligibility for AEE (Civil) and AEE {(Electrical and Mechanical) (Mechanical Engg Posts)} in the Border Road Engineering Service.









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