India News

CAA to be put into effect prior to the Lok Sabha elections: Amit Shah

BJP will get 370 seats and the NDA more than 400 in the upcoming Lok Sabha polls.

“CAA cannot snatch away anyone’s citizenship because there is no provision in the Act,”

Stated Union Home Minister Amit Shah. The purpose of the CAA is to grant citizenship to refugees who were subjected to persecution in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Amit Shah, the Union Home Minister, declared that the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) will be announced and put into effect before to the next Lok Sabha elections. Shah underlined that the CAA’s goal is to offer Indian citizenship to persecuted non-Muslim migrants, not to take away anyone’s citizenship. In December 2019, the Parliament passed the CAA.

Amit Shah
Lok Sabha elections, Ayodhya ram

“The CAA is a national act that will undoubtedly be informed. It will receive notice before to the polls. Speaking at the ET Now-Global Business conference held in the nation’s capital, Shah stated that the polls will apply CAA and that there should be no confusion around it.

“CAA was a government guarantee made to Congress. Congress promised the refugees that they would be welcomed in India and would be granted Indian citizenship during the time when the country was divided and minorities were being persecuted in foreign countries. They are now going back,” Shah remarked.

Shah declared unequivocally that the purpose of the CAA was to provide citizenship, not to revoke anyone’s.

According to Shah, there is provocation against minorities in India, particularly those who practice Islam. “CAA cannot take away anyone’s citizenship because there is no provision in the Act,” the Home Minister declared emphatically. The purpose of the CAA is to grant citizenship to refugees who were subjected to persecution in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

The Narendra Modi government’s CAA will confer Indian nationality to persecuted non-Muslim migrants from Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Afghanistan who arrived in India before December 31, 2014, including Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, Parsis, and Christians.

Shah added that even the Congress and other opposition parties are aware that they would once more have to sit on the opposition benches, and that there is no suspense regarding the results of the Lok Sabha elections.In the next Lok Sabha elections, he predicted, the BJP would win 370 seats and the NDA more than 400.

Shah stated that the election of 2024 will be between development and those who offer just platitudes, rather than between the NDA and the opposition coalition in India.

Regarding the Ram temple in Ayodhya, the home minister stated that the national belief over the past 500–550 years was that the temple ought to be constructed at the birthplace of Lord Ram.

“However, due to the politics of appeasement and citing law and order, the construction of the Ram temple was not allowed,” he stated.

Tags: India News

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